Staff Training is Crucial for Your Business

Whether you’re onboarding a new hire, preparing new managers for their roles, or upskilling for future business needs, staff training is crucial for your business.

The global outlook for employers relies heavily on training current staff. Staff must train so they can take on new job tasks. Also, employers should upskill employees to stay competitive. The CEO of a multinational tech company said his industry needs to move beyond hiring employees with the right skills. He said this on the importance of staff training-

“We have to get out of the idea that technology requires engineering degrees. we need short courses to allow people to do these things,” Aiman Ezzat, CEO of the Capgemini Group, said.“ Courses no longer than two years. We need apprenticeships like those of the industrial revolution. Cyber, connectivity, cloud specialists, data, software engineers… We cannot find these people with a technology background, so we need to find people with basic skills and train them.”

Pitman Training can deliver our staff training programmes in a format that suits your needs. Including in-person or at your site with one of our skilled tutors. Or if you prefer, we offer self-paced courses that employees can complete at a suitable time. Overall, the goal is to ensure your employees have the knowledge and skills they need.

Staff Training Programmes

IT skills are vital, but that is not all employees need. Personal development skills are vital for workers to succeed in their jobs and lives. This includes time management, customer care, business writing and supervising skills. At Pitman Training we make it our goal to enhance the skill set of each of your employees.

Importance of Staff Training

Training for staff is more than onboarding new hires. It should be an ongoing process. That’s because there are numerous benefits of training employees, including:

Importance of Staff Training


Investing in staff training demonstrates to your employees that you care about them. It also shows that you want to support their development and performance. Thus, training your employees helps to motivate them to do more and perform better in their jobs.

A recent study shows 36 percent of workers engage with their organisation. That leaves a significant number of employees who are not committed to your company or brand. Offering them a chance to learn and grow can help counter that statistic.

Skill Shortage

If you’re struggling to attract talent, training for staff can help you bridge the gap in employee skills. You can equip current employees to take on new roles or responsibilities. Or, you could find a candidate who may not have all the skills but is willing to learn them. This can save you from waiting and waiting for the perfect fit. It can also help you can save on recruitment costs.

Underused Workers

Some individuals may have more of a challenge finding work than others. Including younger, less experienced employees, immigrants, or those with disabilities. With staff training programmes, your organisation can help underused workers develop valuable skills. Then, they gain the ability to make a meaningful contribution.

Key Skills Your Staff Need to Learn

Key Skills Your Staff Need to Learn

Everyone brings their own unique set of talents and abilities to your organisation. As a matter off act, this aspect is essential for innovation. However, when it comes to training for staff, some skills are more important than others. Depending on your industry, there are some things that your employees need to do well. This way, your business can stay competitive. Some of the key skills staff need training in, no matter what work you do, include:


IT training is vital for employees as technology advances. Employees who don’t have the proper technology training will get left behind. Which in turn, will hurt your business. Your company may not need to stay on the cutting edge of technology. But without some tech tools, you will be losing productivity. What’s more, it is possible to automate many routine tasks, allowing employees to spend their work time on more critical tasks.

Pitman Data Analysis Training

Data Analysis

Understanding and interpreting the vast amounts of data that businesses collect is vital. Data analysis is another key skill you’ll want your employees to know. Companies and employees must be able to analyse data to make crucial decisions. Further, data insights can be vital to keeping your business ahead of the pack. It can also be essential to improving productivity and your bottom line.

Touch Typing

Did you know that touch typing skills are key to improving productivity in the workplace? Learning to touch type will improve speed and accuracy. This in turn, allows employees to get work completed faster. Instead of wasting time on slow typing, training can save employees hours. These are hours that can be spent on more important tasks for the business.

Time Management

If your staff masters the art of time management, they will be able to work more efficiently. Thus, training can improve productivity for your organisation. Also, learning time management skills can have a positive impact on your employees’ confidence, as they will be able to achieve more. Our time management course will train your staff to get organised, set goals, and stay focused.


Good communication skills are critical for your employees to have. With Pitman Training, your staff can learn the techniques of constructive communication. They will learn how to offer their feedback in a more positive way. Employees can also develop relationship-building skills with our communication course. Thus, training will be a huge benefit for your company culture.

Pitman Training Communication Skills


Moving into leadership roles requires a change in thinking and approach to work. Therefore, helping your employees prepare will ensure their success and yours. A master leadership class from Pitman Training will give them the skills they need. In training, we’ll cover various leadership styles, theories of leadership, and mentoring techniques.

How to Plan Staff Training

How to Plan Staff Training

First, employers need to recognise the importance of staff training. Next, they must come up with a plan to achieve it. Statistics show that just 55 percent of organisations surveyed by Statista say they have a talent development plan. But to get the most out of employee training, you need to start with a plan. Here are some steps you can take to plan your staff training.

Assess Your Needs

Consider the skill gap that your organisation has and what things you would like your employees to learn. It can also be helpful to gather some tips for training from staff. Talk with your workers about skills they want to gain.

Gather Resources

Look around for training resources to help your staff get the needed skills. This can include any in-house materials or supports that are useful. It can also be outside resources, like Pitman Training.

Leadership Buy-in

To have a successful employee training programme, you will need help from company leadership. Management needs to show their support and encourage staff to complete their learning. Having leadership support can also open up resources, like budgets and funding. This will help to pay for external learning opportunities, materials, software, etc.

Contact Pitman Training

Invite Feedback

Collecting employee feedback about their training experience can help you identify weak areas. You can also use this feedback to fix problems and improve training. Further, it shows your staff that you genuinely care about the quality of their training.

If you’re looking to re-skill or upskill your employees, contact Pitman Training today. Our staff training programmes will help ensure your business is strong moving into the future. Let us help you build a successful team!