Welcome to our blog. Here you’ll find all sorts of useful articles and resources to help you along your education and career journey.

Let’s Get Social
Look closely at your social media activity. Are you even on social media? It’s not just about Twitter – LinkedIn and Facebook are brilliant ways to interact and immerse yourself in your profession.

Prioritised Learning – Not Just for Kids
What are your learning priorities? Do you even consider learning to be a priority?

How Important Is Your CPD?
How important is continuing professional development (CPD) to you? How important is it to your employer?

Give Yourself a Quarterly Career Check
Can you believe we are already a quarter of the way through the year? To say time has flown, is a bit of an understatement. Looking back on the New Year career plans and goals you put in place, how on track do you feel you actually are?

Taking Control of Your Career by Dissecting It
Do you find that, despite the constant demands and intensity of your role, there is sometimes little consideration for the training which is needed to support and enhance you with what you are tasked to carry out?

Could You Be Your Own Boss in 2015?
It’s safe to say the majority of us are now in full swing, back to work and preparing ourselves for the year which lies ahead.

A New Breed of Marketeers
Would you class yourself as a Marketeer? No?! Well maybe you should! With recent economic struggles and rapid advances in technology, roles across the majority of industry sectors have changed massively...