Sarah Jane Connery – From Waitress to Office Administrator for Solicitors Firm
Sarah Jane Connery – From Waitress to Office Administrator for Solicitors Firm
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Sarah Jane Connery – From Waitress to Office Administrator for Solicitors Firm

Course Completed: Legal Secretary Course

Job Secured: Office Administrator for Solicitor

Leaving school in 5th year and moving up to Dublin was hard and I felt under pressure to prove to people that it was the right choice for me. The plan had been to join another school and complete my leaving cert but I did not feel confident enough to have to start again fresh at a new school.

Working in a pub made it hard to motivate myself to do something with my life as I was used to earning my own money now and going back to school or taking part in a course meant losing out on that. I had decided to go to FÁS but the course I chose didn’t start for six months. Knowing I’d get back into a rut and lose interest by the time that course came around I was advised to look into a course that was available to start straight away.

Luckily, I was told about Pitman Training by a friend of mine and she highly recommended looking into the secretarial courses they had on offer. I got my appointment and had a meeting with Roy and left extremely excited about the information I had learned about Pitman courses. I decided to do the Legal Secretary course. It was really enjoyable and I even took a break to go travelling for 3 months. However, Roy and Maria soon contacted me on my return encouraging me to pick up where I’d left off and making sure I stayed motivated.

I was also lucky enough to gain some work experience with a well known solicitor in Dublin. So, I am now working in what I like to think is my first real job and I have never felt happier. Not only did doing a Pitman Training course give me a qualification but it also gave me confidence and made me realise that I can do anything I want if I work hard enough.