All Success Stories

Tina Roberts’ Journey: “Excel” Careers with Pitman Training
Transform your career with Pitman Training's Excel course! Hear Tina's success story and the invaluable support she received.

Owusu Kwakye Adonteng Transforms His Career with Pitman Training
Discover how Owusu transformed his career with Pitman Training's Events Management course. Flexibility, support, and career growth await.

Lynsey McKie: Enhancing SFHA’s Growth through Pitman Training
Enhance skills & boost business growth: Lynsey McKie's success story with Pitman Training. Empower your team's potential today.

Excel in Excellence: Cathy Geoghegan’s Journey with Pitman Training
Transforming Skills: Cathy’s Excel Journey at Pitman Training - A Testament to Excellence and Supportive Learning Environment!

Ailis McGillicuddy’s Success with Pitman Training’s Medical Secretary Diploma
Pitman Training's Medical Secretary Diploma: Ailis McGillicuddy's Inspiring Journey to Success, Flexibility, and Career Enhancement.

Ryan Dunne’s Path to WordPress Mastery with Pitman Training
Embark on WordPress mastery journey with Pitman Training. Ryan Dunne's testimonial highlights top-notch courses, supportive staff & effective learning.

Pitman Training’s Corporate Diplomas Help Birch Print Boost Business
Pitman Training's corporate diplomas elevate Birch Print's business growth. Discover how their success story unfolds with our transformative courses.

Pitman Training Proves to Be a Transformative Experience for Gaenor Thomson
Pitman Training proved to be a transformative experience for Gaenor, who sought to enhance her knowledge of Microsoft programs and gain a deeper understanding of the legal secretary role.

Pitman Training Gives Student the Confidence to Transition Into New Career
At Pitman Training, we are passionate about empowering students to achieve their career aspirations through flexible and personalised learning solutions.