Business Writing Skills | Pitman Ireland

Business Writing Skills

This one-day seminar is held at our five Pitman Training Centres in Scotland and covers a variety of different types of business documents. Delegates are invited to bring along examples of their current work, or ideas they would like to work on during the day. It is designed for anyone who writes business documents as part of their job and who feels they could improve their skills.



"The seminar will help you;

Identify the correct use of grammar, punctuation and spelling in business writing.

Reduce the amount you write without reducing the impact of the message.

Write in a more active way that makes your writing easier to read and to understand.

Use more positive language in your business writing.

Avoid writing traps such as clichés, jargon, condescension and sexism.

Identify a structure and style of writing that keeps your audience in mind and has a clear purpose.

Create a well laid out letter that is easy to read.

Write letters that deal with various types of situations.

Understand what graphs and charts to use when presenting data, and when you use them."


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