Emma Beiko
Emma Beiko

Emma Beiko’s quest for upskilling in the business world led her to discover Pitman Training. In Emma’s own words: “I found Pitman Training one evening browsing the internet to see how I can upskill my knowledge on business.”

During the COVID pandemic, Emma realised she didn’t want to return to work for someone else after months away from the workforce. Instead, she aspired to be her own boss – to put her knowledge of hairstyling into action and make it work on her terms. She needed to bridge the gap in her business skills, as she candidly reveals, “I knew how to do hair but knew zero things on the business side of things!”

Emma reached out and was introduced to the Pitman Training Center Manager, who took the time to understand Emma’s specific needs. As Emma puts it, “I rang Pitman Training and was introduced to their incredibly helpful staff, I told them what I needed, and they tailored a course for my need.”

Emma was particularly pleased with Pitman Training’s flexibility in scheduling, which played a crucial role in customising a course to address her requirements. Another aspect that worked for Emma was the use of audios as part of the learning process. It provided a dynamic and engaging way to acquire knowledge, making the learning experience enjoyable and efficient. As she puts it, “The audios are a major hit with me.”

As she reflects on her journey, Emma highlights how she not only learned what she needed but also gained confidence in areas she never thought she would. She attributes this transformation to the welcoming and supportive environment created by Pitman Training and its staff. Emma expresses her heartfelt gratitude for the exceptional experience she had during her time with Pitman Training. In her words, “I can honestly say I learned exactly what I needed and have gained confidence in areas I never thought I would.”

Emma’s story is a shining example of what’s possible when one decides to take their education and career into their own hands. Pitman Training empowered Emma to achieve her goals, and her journey serves as an inspiration to others looking to transform their careers and lives.